Frequently asked questions

Updated 10 months ago

NDIS general

Does recovery fit within the NDIS?

Yes, a recovery framework fits within the NDIS. It provides funding for services and supports based on a person’s goals and aspirations for daily living. It emphasises individual choice and control over needed services and supports. Furthermore, the NDIS maximises the capacity of people with a disability to participate in the community.

More information about the relationship between recovery-oriented practice and the NDIS is available on the NDIS website. See also our Recovery and the NDIS training module.

How does the NDIS support carers?

The NDIA recognises the importance of the caring role and works with families and carers to support these relationships. The NDIS provides information, referrals, and linkages to help families and carers access available community supports.  NDIS plans may also include funding for supports that provide carer respite, such as assistance at home or in the community, and/or supports to build participants’ independence.

Further information on how carers are involved in the NDIS is available on the NDIS website. Additional useful information and resources for carers regarding the NDIS can be found on the Carers Australia website.

What is a psychosocial disability?

In the NDIS, ‘psychosocial disability’ refers to impairments caused by a mental health condition, such as difficulties forming social connections, managing finances and maintaining health and wellbeing, that substantially impact a person on a daily basis. Not everyone with a mental health condition has a psychosocial disability.

To learn more about the NDIS and mental health visit the NDIS website.

What is the process for becoming a registered NDIS provider?

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (the NDIS Commission) is responsible for managing provider registration and renewals in all Australian states and territories.

For more information on becoming a registered provider, visit the NDIS Commission website. We also have an NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission factsheet.

What's the best way to get help from the NDIA?

You can contact the NDIA via phone, mail, email, online or by visiting one of their offices.

Visit the ‘Contact us’ page on the NDIS website for more information, including their ‘contact us' accessibility services.

Who can provide NDIS supports?

An NDIS service provider is a person, business or organisation that delivers NDIS funded supports to an NDIS participant. There are two types of providers: registered and unregistered. Registered providers need to meet government quality and safeguarding standards to become registered and maintain registration as an NDIS provider. Unregistered providers don’t have to meet these same requirements; however, they are more restricted in the types of supports they can offer and to whom. Both registered or unregistered providers have to comply with the NDIS Code of Conduct.

FAQ List

The Transition Support Project is funded by the

Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care

© NDIS Transition Support 2025
Last updated Nov 04 2024 04:24 AM ACDT